A 6 Week Course to
Clear Your Blocks and Attract Your Soulmate


You have a deep yearning to be met in partnership, to be seen, to be loved by someone who feels like your heart's match...

but something isn't working

There’s a key piece that you’re missing - and it’s at the heart of Soulmate School.
Soulmate School is for you if...
you secretly wonder if there’s something wrong with you - even your friends can’t believe that you’re still single.
you know that you’re subconsciously attracting the wrong kind of person, but you don’t know how to fix it and attract the right one
you wonder if scars from past relationships or trauma are holding you back
you’ve tried all the law of attraction tools to manifest a great relationship and it just isn’t happening
you’d rather be single than be in another unhappy relationship, but at the same time you’re so done with being alone
you’re done beating yourself up thinking, “I should be able to figure this out by myself”

And if you’re ready to know...

⦿ Powerful practices and tools for creating a relationship that will really light up your heart

⦿ How to clear the subconscious blocks that are keeping love away

⦿ How to make energetic space in your life for your partner so they can actually feel you welcoming them in
⦿  How to become a vibrational match  for the love you want to call into your life

⦿ The key to finding a partner who will love you for who you are

⦿ What high quality people are really looking for in a partner

Then you’re in the right place.

I've been there.
I know what it's like to watch everyone around me find love and wonder why I’m the one missing out. It took years of inner work to attract the love of my life: to find the tools that actually work. 
I’ve distilled it down and successfully helped women all over the world find their soulmate, perfecting this process over the past 15 years.
So here’s how it unfolds…
Soulmate School

A 6 week transformational journey
to clear your blocks to love so you can attract your soulmate

Each week you will receive a 75 minute class where  I will guide you through potent and powerful energetic practices, emotional healing and practical tools that will help you clear your unconscious blocks to love.

Access your internal clarity with the interactive writing invitations.

Receive life changing meditations and videos to support the full integration of your inner shifts.

Plus loads of great bonuses - check them out below.


During this 6 week program you will:

Create a confident connection to yourself that’s irresistible to your Soulmate 

⦿ Empower your heart so that you attract a partner who enhances the beauty of who you really are - no more changing yourself to 'fit' an ideal.

⦿ Learn a simple life-changing energetic tool I use every day – this one will shift your perspective forever.

⦿ Release the fear of judgment and move with confidence in the world.

Learn to stop unconsciously undermining yourself and know that love is coming. And that you deserve it. 

⦿ Uncover and break through the subconscious blocks that hold you back from love.

 Let go of the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in self-sabotage.

 Train your inner critic to work with you not against you.

Make energetic ‘room’ in your life for your True Partner – so they feel your openness.

 ⦿ I'll guide you through my revolutionary signature process to instantly clear out old memories and energies from past toxic relationships – forever!

 Receive a sacred healing ritual to help you heal from past negative sexual experiences and trauma.

⦿ Learn a powerful energetic tool that you can use anytime to open up your love space.

Learn to feel the crucial difference between ‘getting’ and receiving (this piece changed my marriage forever). 

⦿ You’re great at giving… learn to receive and let love in.

⦿ You know you have to love yourself before you can attract an amazing partner– learn what self-love really is and how it feels in your body.

⦿ Learn to discern who to let in and who to keep out.

Uncover the powerful differences in masculine and feminine energy and how to use this polarity.

⦿ Develop skills to communicate with the masculine in a way that they can hear.

⦿ Learn to access your own authentic feminine essence.

⦿ Override past stories and truly trust Masculine Energy so you can stop attracting the 'Peter Pan' type.

Learn how to activate your unique love vibration so that you can be an energetic match for the partner you yearn for.

⦿ Discover how you’ve been energetically playing small and how to feel safe enough to stop hiding.

⦿ I'll take you on a profound energetic journey to receive your deepest love – this one is so beautiful it brings me to tears every time.

⦿ Learn the secret to turning on your inner radiance so you can magnetize your partner to you.

What people are saying about Soulmate School

I’d taken every class, read every book, and I had worked on myself. If it can be done, I did it. I’m attractive, smart, funny and successful. And so freaking what? My heart just kept getting broken over and over. So for while I just gave up.

Then I found Liesel and Soulmate School. Through the process, I got to a really confident place and started online dating again. Liesel’s wisdom and guidance in helped me to open up to a relationship with a man who makes me laugh, is interested in my ideas, sings me love songs, and kisses me every day. We just got married and I am beyond happy! Thank you Liesel!

Leigh Haughseth

I was in a pretty toxic relationship and I knew I wanted something different. So I reached out and signed up for Soulmate School. Being in that environment with other women going through the same thing, and knowing Liesel had gone through it as well and had met her soulmate helped me so much.

The the way she held space was really powerful and I deeply shifted in ways that helped me to be open to a man like Ben. He really is the perfect mix of very masculine, but also emotionally expressive which I love. . I love how he is in the world, how he treats people, how he treats me. I am grateful for Soulmate School and for you Liesel - thank you!

 I had no trouble meeting men, things went great on dates, no problem there. But there was this piece where I couldn’t seal the deal. I would date someone for a couple of months and they’d be into me at first. Then their interest in me would seem to fade away. It was this same pattern over and over. 

  I knew something was blocking me but I didn’t understand what it was or how to get to it. The safety that I felt in Soulmate School, the clearing of old patterns, and the awareness of the guarding around my heart made a huge difference! I met Tak right after our last call!  

If you’re ready for a heart centered love…
give yourself this profound gift and emerge powerfully into the next phase of your life


⦿ Expert Interviews with Mat Boggs, creator of Cracking the Man Code sharing his “Man Scan” which will teach you how to really tell if a man is interested in you. AND Relationship Astrologer Carol Allen sharing the 5 most common archetypes of the single woman and how to remedy them.

⦿ The Man Panel - an entire extra call with 4 of the highest caliber men I know sharing what quality men are really looking for.

⦿ Audio Recordings of Powerful Energetic Tools and Healing Meditations that you can download to your phone or tablet and listen to any time you need support.

⦿ Written Transcripts of each lesson to reference back to and enhance your learning.

⦿ A recommended reading, resource and video list

⦿ A Powerful Instructional Video that will help you shift your limiting beliefs.

And more fun surprises along the way…

How do you know
if it’s the right time
to take Soulmate School
You’re feeling insecure about your ability to find a partner…. sometimes you even feel almost ready to give up, but your heart just won’t let you
You’re afraid your soulmate may have come and gone and there isn’t another one for you (there isn’t only one – I promise)
You’ve found yourself repeating the same patterns in relationship and you’re ready to make a change
You’re tired of being the only single woman in a group. You’re ready to attend those parties and events with your beloved by your side
You think that scars from past relationships or traumas might be holding you back and you’re ready to clear them now
The pain of staying single is more than the risk of being open to a new relationship

Soulmate School
Clear Your Blocks to Love

Pricing Options
Single Payment of
  • Six Powerful Classes
  • Transformational Meditations to connect you to well of love within you
  • Powerful Writing Prompts to access your unconscious patterns
  • Energetic Healing Protocols to uplevel your frequency
  • Integration Practices to take the healing deeper into your daily life
  • Lifetime Access to the Program
2 Payments of
  • Six Powerful Classes
  • Transformational Meditations to connect you to the well of love within you
  • Powerful writing prompts to access your unconscious patterns
  • Energetic Healing Protocols to uplevel your frequency
  • Integration Practices to take the healing deeper into your daily life
  • Lifetime Access to the Program
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I feel like I don’t have the time right now?
How do I access the material?
What if I can’t afford this?
What if I don’t believe there really is someone out there for me?
I have a partner, but I'm not sure if he's the one. Can I still sign up?   
I live outside of the U.S. Will I still be able to participate?
What people are saying about Soulmate School
Laurie and John
 John  is an awesome fit – spiritually, intellectually, values-wise, chemistry, lifestyle, moods and humor. And he has a regular meditation and yoga practice so he’s amazingly strong and centered. That connection was really significant to me. I’d never expected to find a spiritual partner who was well balanced. I think of you often, Liesel and am so grateful to you for the many tools and techniques, gifts and skills, your huge and loving heart – the journeying and healing you brought to my life. I feel incredibly blessed.  John is really is all I might have dreamed for.  We got married on January 1! Thank you, Liesel
Shea and Tom
A dear friend of mine gifted me with Soulmate School because it had made such a profound difference in her life.  I soon came face to face with the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that were holding me back. It took time to break my old patterns of behavior, but I could feel the internal shifts taking place and my intention became clearer and clearer. Then I met Tom! We are both amazed at how ‘easy’ it is to be with each other; no drama, no pretense, and no games. For the first time I feel like myself in a relationship and it feels fantastic! I can honestly say I am the best relationship of my life!

Thank you Liesel! Thank you for sharing your journey, your gifts and your talent with the world to help light the path for the rest of us.

Corinna and Holger
Soulmate School really shifted my beliefs around myself which was new for me. I had deep limiting beliefs of being different from everyone else, of not fitting in. I didn’t feel like I would ever find someone that I would be truly happy with. I thought for sure it would have to be a compromise. I honestly hadn’t put much hope in Soulmate School, it felt more like a desperate measure, so I was really surprised when all of these beliefs changed… and they changed really fast! Soulmate School softened me and made me more clear. I learned to be in my own feminine energy and shift those old limiting beliefs about myself. I met Holger not long after the program finished. We married a year later and are now happy parents of our first child.
Liesel Rigsby
The Energetic Matchmaker
Liesel Rigsby is known as The Energetic Matchmaker for her ability to intuitively ‘see’ what women need to shift in order to build a life of deeply fulfilling and lasting love.

For the past 15 years, Liesel has helped women from all walks of life (CEO's, therapists, homemakers, lawyers, life coaches, healers, divorced moms, elders and more) from all over the world (including Germany, Canada, Mexico, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the United States) create loving, connected relationships.

In 2011 she created the internationally renowned Soulmate School™, a six-week course designed to help women fall in love with themselves, clear their energetic blocks to divine partnership and attract lasting love.

Liesel supports women in finding love through her online courses, group and private coaching, live events and public speaking.  She loves to travel, write songs and spend time in nature with her husband (of 20 years) and their teenage daughter.  
